On the Trails

On all our trips, a trip leader is available to discuss the trails and to ensure that people are in groups according to their choice of activity and level of ability.

Pack a lunch

Pack a lunch to carry on the trail. Not all centres have food services. Most ski centres have warming huts on the trail and/or a cafeteria in which to eat your packed lunch.

Carry a backpack

Even on short outings on groomed trails you should carry a backpack with everything you need in case of emergency: repair kit, first-aid kit, food, drink and extra clothing.

Carry your Medicare card and cash

Both items will come in handy if you run into trouble or get lost. Also, have the phone number of your next of kin with you.

Some snack bars at ski centres do not accept credit cards or Interac.

Don’t ski or snowshoe alone

We usually ski or snowshoe in groups of at least four people in case one person gets hurt. One person can stay with the injured person while the other two go for help.


Use the map

Maps are provided at every area we visit. Carry one and keep track of where you are. Most centres have signposts at trail junctions. Never assume the person in front of you knows the way.

Keep an eye on the time

Give yourself plenty of time to get back to the bus before the scheduled departure time, otherwise you risk being very unpopular with some 40 or so other club members and causing the trip leader undue concerns.

Check for frostbite

On cold days, check yourself and your companions at regular intervals for signs of frostbite. White patches on the ears or face or numbness of body parts indicate that frostbite is imminent. If there is no shelter nearby, warm a frost-nipped part by placing a bare hand on it. DO NOT RUB THE AREA because this will cause further damage. Windmilling the arms will warm up cold hands.

Avoid hypothermia

Avoid overexertion, dress appropriately and eat and drink at regular intervals. Fumbling, stumbling, disorientation and uncontrollable shivering are symptoms of the early stages of hypothermia. Hypothermia is progressive and must be treated without delay; it can lead to unconsciousness and eventually death! Get to shelter, if possible. Remove wet clothes, add another layer of clothing, drink warm liquids and keep moving to warm the body back up.