A Volunteer Club

So, you’ve hiked, cycled, skied, or snowshoed with the club for about a year or two now. I’m sure you’ve had a great time during your adventures, following the maps and descriptions your trip leaders have provided to you on the bus. The weekends you’ve shared with your fellow Randonneers have probably left you with warm memories and, perhaps, some new friends. That’s what Randonnée Aventure is about – new adventures, good memories and new friends. But, most of all, RA is about volunteers!

Without volunteers, RA would not exist today. As you know, we are a non-profit organization with one goal in mind: to provide Montrealers with the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities with like-minded people. Based on the number of members we have, we believe we’ve succeeded in creating the right kind of club! We would all like to see RA flourish, but this is very much a people-oriented investment.

How to Volunteer

Much work is involved in running this club from answering emails to making important financial decisions. Every task is important and many are good learning experiences. Opportunities abound for you to contribute to what is your outdoor club:

  • Ski/Snowshoe Committee
  • Translation
  • Marketing/Advertising
  • Cycling Committee
  • Help at social events
  • Hiking Committee
  • Help plan weekend events
  • Email, relaying club messages
  • Help with the club website
  • Follow-up with new/potential members
  • Social Committee
  • Help with registrar functions (knowledge of Microsoft Excel required)

All club roles need successors on a regular basis. If you feel suited or comfortable volunteering in a particular area please don’t hesitate to let us know. Just check the appropriate box during online membership purchase or send us an email at info@randonnee.ca

Join us, participate! The reward is immense. Don’t forget we can accomplish TOGETHER what might be impossible on an individual basis.


RA Management Team

President: John Smith
Vice-President: Vacant
Treasurer: Sharon Beasley
Registrar: Karen Staudinger
Secretary: Gail Clement
Board of Directors: Jill Aspinall, Deirdre Ellis, Katherine Peacock, John Smith
Publicity Director: Marie-Eve Tremblay
Randonnews Coordinator: Steve Cabilio
Email Coordinators: Khadija Amazirh, Nadia Martel
Translation Coordinator: Jean Coté
Bus Coordinator: Lisa Finken
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant

Winter Sports Committee

Director: Anne Harper
Administrator: Isabel-Xiaohui Deng

Cycling Committee

Director: Johanna Schalkwyk

Hiking Committee

Director: Judy Mitchell
Assistant Director: John Smith
Administrator: Isabel-Xiaohui Deng

Social Committee

Director: Vacant

Web Committee

Maintenance: Alex Benjamin
Content and Design: Susan Zegray